Tuesday, February 11, 2014

23 weeks and counting...

Posted by Tom

It has been awhile since we last updated. Things have been going great for Kim and the babies. We had our 22 week check up, and the babies are now measuring at/over one pound. Holland (Baby A) is 1lb 3oz, Reiker (Baby B) is 1lb 2oz, and Sutton (Baby C) is right at 1lb. During the last two visits to the high risk doctor, he checked all three babies' anatomy, and they are perfect. All vitals and parts (head, arms, legs, etc) are measuring spot on for this gestational period. They are growing and starting to crowd the womb. This crowding unfortunately is making it harder to see things on the ultrasound. Our good ultrasound pictures are becoming far and few in between.

Kim is starting to enjoy pregnancy a little more these days. She is beginning to have more of an appetite and seems to be growing every few days. (See "The Growing Belly" page.) She still has the occasional fight with morning sickness, but thankfully that has subsided a good bit. Unfortunately, her feet are starting to swell, and she is having to sit a lot more. I guess when you're pregnant with triplets, things like swelling happen a lot earlier. Some of you mothers can probably relate, but Kim's biggest complaint is heartburn, another symptom that is multiplied due to triplets.

Meanwhile, we have begun working on the nursery and have registered. We have our first shower this coming Sunday. We have a few more things to finish up with the nursery before we purchase furniture, but it's all coming together nicely. (We'll post pictures of the nursery in a future post, so stay tuned!)

I leave you guys with the best pictures from our last ultrasound of Holland and Sutton. Reiker wasn't cooperating for his photo-op, maybe next time.


Holland (Baby A) - 22 weeks 4 days

Sutton (Baby C) - 22 weeks 4 days