Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween - All Treats, no Tricks

Posted by Tom

Well, today we went for our 8 week checkup. Kim and I both had been feeling anxious for days. Our previous two pregnancies fell apart at the 8 week mark, so our nerves were shot this week. To our delight, all three babies are doing just fine. All three have strong heartbeats and are perfect size for their age (8 weeks, 4 days to be exact). Kim is doing just fine too. Her nausea has subsided a little, but the tiredness is still running strong. A few more weeks with Dr. S and then we are released to Kim's OBGYN and we will begin seeing a high risk doctor (necessary for being pregnant with triplets). All is well in the McCullers' house tonight and God has been good to us. We are so thankful for the blessings that He has given.

Below are the latest pictures of our trio. Baby B was facing the camera, while A is a profile shot facing left and C is a profile shot facing right.

Happy Halloween!