Monday, September 30, 2013

Who said three's a crowd?!

Posted by Tom

On September 30th we found out that we are pregnant! Thrills and excitement! Kim and I feel this is our time. God has answered our prayers! Little did we know how much God has in store for us. Our first U/S was on October 17th, and it revealed one of the greatest joys of our lives... TRIPLETS!! The fraternal triplets - A, B, & C all had strong heartbeats and great sizes to be 6w4d. Kim and the babies are doing well. Kim has had a lot of nausea with carrying three babies. The tiredness factor has kicked in as well. I think the latest she has stayed up this week has been 8:30 pm. I love her and the babies to pieces, so get your rest honey!

Even though there has been a lot of ups and downs along the way, we (Kim and I) wanted to share our story to encourage others to never give up. Lean on God! He will provide a way.

Stay tuned as we update our pregnancy journey.
