Friday, March 28, 2014

Nursery = DONE!!

Posted by Tom

After several months of working in the nursery, it is finally done!! We are ready for the babies to make their arrival. We still have to add some accessories (pictures, curtains, etc.), but all of that can be done in time. We will be tight at times, but with triplets there is no such thing as extra room anymore.

We painted the room a light gray color with our block accent wall. We're pretty proud of our accent wall.

Kim's last day of work was March 26th. She made it 29 weeks and 3 days! She's tough!!



Sunday, March 9, 2014

It's starting to get REAL!

Posted by Tom

It's starting to get real! We have had three showers and gotten lots of goodies for the babies. We are very thankful for our family, friends, and coworkers that have showered love upon us and our babies.

Our nursery is starting to come together. We have painted and gotten new carpet. We have added a dresser and a chest of drawers. Hopefully we can add the cribs in the next two weeks and that will complete our furniture. After such good showers, the only remaining things we need are accessory items. Once the nursery is complete, we will do a big post with pictures for you all to see. *Stay Tuned*

We went back to the high risk doctor to have our 26 week check up. All three babies are doing great. As time progresses and the babies continue to grow, it makes each ultrasound very difficult to tell what's going on and to see everything. Growing babies means less room for us to see each individual part. However, the doctor was able to see all of their vitals and everyone is still perfectly healthy. Holland is now measuring 2lbs and 4oz, Sutton is measuring 2lbs and 3oz, and Reiker (the big brother) is measuring 2lbs and 5oz. That's over 7lbs of total baby! Kim is starting to get into the "uncomfortable" stage of pregnancy. She is still working but having to sit a lot more. By the end of the day, she is done! Fortunately, the only problem that she is having is her feet are swelling. The more she sits and props the less they swell. She is trying to work until the end of this month. That would put her right at 30 weeks. The high risk doctor has said that our goal is 36 weeks, and he thinks Kim can definitely make it there. Bed rest for the final 6 weeks will hopefully insure that we meet our goal.

Even though the babies are getting harder to see via u/s. We did get two 3D shots of Sutton and Reiker. Holland was not being very photogenic this time.

A little glimpse of Sutton Michelle McCullers

A hidden Charlie Reiker McCullers
