Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hands Full - Hearts Full

Posted by Unknown

It's hard to believe the babies are 3 months old now, and we are busy, busy, busy. We are definitely on a schedule, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love every minute I have with them, and I'm trying not to think about the fact I will be returning to work soon. 

We celebrated Tommy's first Father's Day in June. I love watching him take care of our babies, and the triplets and I are truly blessed to have him. Tommy and I are outnumbered at our house, but I must admit I think we are doing a really good job as first time parents. Of course, their sweet faces make it easy. 

We have a lot of help from family and friends. Tommy and I were able to sneak away for dinner on our anniversary. The babies have been on one short shopping trip that consisted of two stores. They have been out to eat with us twice. They've even taken a trip to the lake already. All of these outings were successful because we've had a lot of helping hands. 

Our hands are full, but our hearts are more full. Even though it's been a roller coaster ride to get them here, I would not trade anything in the world for Reiker, Holland, or Sutton. The wait was totally worth it. They are similar yet different in so many ways, and they have changed our lives for the better. 

When looking at pictures from the NICU and comparing those to recent ones, I can't believe how far our babies have come. A lot of people played a part in this, from the NICU nurses who monitored them day and night to everyone who constantly prayed for them. God has blessed us in so many ways! 

Here are some recent pics. I know I may be a little biased, but I think everyone will agree these babies are precious! Enjoy!

          ~ Kim 

3 months old

Eating at Chow Baby for Pop's and Uncle Tony's Birthday

At the lake for the 4th of July

Wide eyed and pacified =) 

Every night is a sleepover for these 3! Matching pj's required!